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We generate sustainable renewable energy


About Us


Generating Clean Energy Worldwide

The International Energy Bank is based in Switzerland with over 10 years of experience in the field of renewable energy resources. However the bank’s reach is worldwide, working in major areas of development; assisting, financing and applying the variety of clean energy innovations to improve the quality of life and impact the environment.

Invested in scientific research and development of renewable energy production, with a vast knowledge in finance, development, design, construction and operation if energy plants, IEB is the first bank in the world that guarantees quality products and services up to 15 years.

Generate with us,
for a more sustainable renewable


We finance and invest worldwide in renewable energy projects for a clean environment, to protect the climate for a better world for our children.

Know How

We have vast knowledge in finance, development, design, construction and operation in Renewable Energy Plants to support our customers to reduce CO² or the save energy in a variety of businesses like agriculture, manufacturing and construction.


We invest in scientific research and development related to producing renewable Energy solutions to get the most sustainable energy production.


We offer high quality standards to operate and control your Renewable Power Plant to maximise the efficiency outcome and to reduce maintenance and operational cost.

Just Like Us.

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